When it comes to trading stocks or investing in the stock market, Robinhood has become a popular platform among investors. However, before starting to invest, there are a few agreements that you need to sign, one of which is the Clearing by Robinhood Agreement. In this article, we will guide you through the process of signing the Clearing by Robinhood Agreement.

What is the Clearing by Robinhood Agreement?

The Clearing by Robinhood Agreement is a legal document that explains the responsibilities and obligations of both Robinhood and the investor. Essentially, it is a contract that outlines the terms and conditions associated with clearing transactions on the Robinhood platform. Signing this agreement is mandatory for all Robinhood users.

How to sign the Clearing by Robinhood Agreement?

Here are the steps to sign the Clearing by Robinhood Agreement:

1. Log in to your Robinhood account.

2. On the main dashboard, click on the Account menu and select Settings.

3. Scroll down to the « Legal » section, where you will find the Clearing by Robinhood Agreement.

4. Click on the « Complete Tasks » button next to the agreement.

5. Read the agreement thoroughly, including all the terms and conditions.

6. After reading the agreement, click on the « I Agree » button at the bottom.

7. You will be prompted to enter your name and date of birth to confirm that you have read and agreed to the terms.

8. Click on the « Submit » button to complete the process.

9. Congratulations! You have successfully signed the Clearing by Robinhood Agreement.


Signing the Clearing by Robinhood Agreement is an essential step in using the Robinhood platform for investing in the stock market. It is important to take the time to read and understand this agreement thoroughly before signing it. Following the steps outlined above will ensure that you successfully sign the agreement and have a seamless investing experience on Robinhood.

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